CTU Project Updates
A lowdown of all of our projects and where we’re at with them now…
Alternative Camden
Alternative Camden is our new take on an innovation district, and explores ways we can identify and respond to challenges and opportunities of the changing economy.
As part of this, we hosted an Ideas Lab to brainstorm ideas for building an alternative future for Camden. After this, we held our first Citizens Lab to discuss these ideas and find out what we can do about them. We were joined by a fantastic group of people who live, work and call Camden their home. Here’s what we found out.
We’re now in the process of running experiments on four different themes identified during these events: noise pollution, rooftop planning, improving streets, and smart covenants. Keep an eye on the alt.cmd website for updates.
Camden Collective
We’re approaching our 10 year anniversary of Camden Collective! From pop-up shops to exhibitions, design studios to co-working spaces, we’ve injected life into a whole range of otherwise vacant spaces, supporting hundreds of startups, artists and organisations. Over the next couple of months we’ll be sharing the highlights of our Collective journey so far. Watch this space!
Camden Highline
The Camden Highline team have been busy working with students at two STEAM Hub schools (that’s Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths), Torriano School and Regent High School to deliver our learning, education and engagement programme. So far, they’ve completed a series of workshops and over 50 junior and secondary students have taken part so far. Hold tight for information about the summer exhibition, workshops, and a bigger and better Education programme.
The Highline has also been awarded funding to make improvements to Camden Gardens park, which is located beneath the western end of the Highline route. Volunteering sessions began this week! If you want to volunteer at a future date, please join the waiting list by emailing info@camdenhighline.com
CTU Security team
One year on, CTU’s 6 Community Wardens have dealt with over 1300 major incidents ranging from theft, drug dealing, medical assistance and anti social behaviour.
This has been accomplished through successful partnership work alongside our CTU police officers and local police team who have had a major impact on the area in the past year.
Several multi agency joint operations tackling street encroachment, fake goods, drug paraphernalia and drug dealing are slowly but surely improving the area. We have a lot of work to do but we will continue to preserve.
As a result of its success, the project will be extending to a 7 day service providing cover 365 days a year for the next 12 months as we continue to monitor the impact.
Future Changemakers Fund
We’ve allocated funding towards Camden Giving’s fantastic Future Changemakers programme and the deadline for applications to the fund is now closed.
Over the next few weeks, they will start deciding which community organisations and charities will receive funding by the summer holidays in order to make Camden safer for 16–25 year olds.
Euston Town BID
Our sister organisation Euston Town have completed planting schemes, signage, hoardings and a pocket park along the Euston Green Link walking route. Read their blog to find out more.
Following a series of public consultations on Drummond Street and the surrounding neighbourhood, Euston Town are through to the second round of HS2’s Business and Local Economy Fund. The £1 million project would revitalise Drummond Street and the surrounding neighbourhood, using greenery, improved building facades and public spaces to boost the local economy, and establish a place for these independent traders in the future of Euston’s development.
They’re currently in the process of writing a funding application which includes a ‘vision document’ with Jan Kattein Architects. This will package up the objectives and ambitions of local stakeholders and provide a set of cohesive design proposals based on consultation events.