#HumansofCamden — Peter Laycock
“My mum has always said that you have to follow your heart and passion, and that if you do a job you love, it’s worth a whole lot more money than your salary. I questioned that a bit in my 20s, but the older I get, the more I realise that the people I know doing jobs in sectors that they don’t really want to work in might have more money, but they don’t have the same satisfaction. I was a little bit lost as a student as I lived here and found it financially difficult. Coming to work in Camden the second time around has changed my whole life. I arrived at a low point and I’ve had a really wonderful time here. Camden can often feel like a transient place and we’re hesitant to put down roots, but if you’ve found something that you love doing here, then it’s best to just do it. I’d never go back.”