We’re hiring! Digital Comms


Digital Communications Consultant

3 days per week. £ dependent on experience.

Responsible for devising the digital communications strategy across three organisations: Collective, Euston Town and Camden Town Unlimited. Coordination and management of social media networks, website and digital content, and media relationships.

Camden Collective

Hub: Promote activities of Collective in supporting startups in coworking hub.

Deskspace: Market available desk-space and offices

Events: Live coverage of events. Organise press releases.

General: Interview current members, alumni and relevant start-ups for blogs and vlogs.

Maintain social media feed of relevant stories and online content for all social media networks, constantly interacting with relevant industries online.

More info

Collective Blog: devised to publish stories about Collective and stimulate online activity. Regular interviews with Collective members — a spotlight on people in the hub, as well as a series of interviews of Collective alumni — visiting businesses in their new offices. Also interviewing relevant businesses who could have interesting insights and experiences to share with Collective startup community.

Website development: Managing the content on the Collective website. Ensuring the events calendar is up to date with both Collective and its members’ events. Helping to manage any updates to the design or functionality of the website.

Monthly Newsletter: A newsletter sent out to Collective members and our wider community of followers. Stories, interviews, photos, events, jobs and opportunities should be collated throughout the month.

Euston Town

As a reasonably new organisation, Euston Town is looking to grow its online community and readership. We recently completed a branding workshop with a few members of the board and and our PR partner 4comms.

A live feed of all BID activity, projects and events on twitter, Instagram and Linkedin.

The BID has three main areas of focus: HS2 and transport opportunities, air quality and creating an identity. We need to be constantly interacting with the relevant communities online corresponding to these three areas. Our online content should place us as an active and forward-thinking voice within the three themes.

Blog: We are moving over to Medium. This blog needs to be regularly updated with: interviews with our members, community and business events, stories relevant to our areas of focus. Our project manager will put together written project updates which should then be presented with photographs as blogs.

Events: Live feed of all events with photos.

Website: Ensuring website content always shows the latest information.

Linkedin & Twitter: Two platforms that we need to enhance our presence, engaging with the relevant communities and making our voice heard on the issues that matter to our members.

Instagram: A great platform to enhance the reputation and perception of Euston. Photos are essential for shaping the online reputation of Euston Town so they need to be clear, exciting and eye catching shots which build up an engaging profile.

Eustontowner: Helping to communicate with the writers behind the eustontowner, our local publication which promotes the area and its businesses.

Camden Town Unlimited

CTU has an established following of almost 8,000 on Twitter, whereas Linkedin lacks a strong audience.

Areas of focus: streetscape, crime, the creative industries.

Blog: interviews with local businesses (both members and non-members i.e. stall holders and small creative businesses), Camden Collective stories, local artistic projects, spotlight on local culturally relevant characters and history. Project manager will feed info on project updates to be put in to blogs.

Events: Live feed of all events with photos.

Website: Ensuring website content always shows the latest information.

Twitter: To populate the twitter feed with relevant information and stories, engaging with communities, similar projects and organisations. Providing a background of content to go alongside the live event coverage, project updates and photos which will also be contributed from project managers.

Instagram: Promote the area, boost its reputation and the aspects we want to emphasize.

Simon Pitkeathley — Personal Profile

Build relationships with relevant journalists, set up meetings where possible.

Work with 4Comms to create a schedule of opinion pieces and publish them where appropriate. Help to boost the profile of Simon in all of his roles, and therefore that of all three organisations.

Assist Simon where needed on building Twitter and linkedin profile and audiences.



Camden Town Unlimited and Euston Town.
Camden Town Unlimited and Euston Town.

Written by Camden Town Unlimited and Euston Town.

Camden Town Unlimited (CTU) and Euston Town are the elected organisations behind the Camden Green Loop neighbourhood strategy and climate action community.

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